Moldova, Republic of: Retail trade of meat and meat products

Version: v1

List of companies from country Moldova, Republic of, specializing in economic activity 'Retail trade of meat and meat products'. Here you will find a variety of companies engaged in various aspects of Retail trade of meat and meat products, providing unique products and services.

Explore this list for useful information about industry leaders and potential business partners. An overview of the companies featured will help you better understand the economic situation and development opportunities in country Moldova, Republic of in area Retail trade of meat and meat products.

Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală DANIELA LAŞCU

Company code: 1023600063049
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală CHETRUŞCA-VAMS

Company code: 1023600061492
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea cu Capital Străin POTIEV IMPEX S.R.L.

Company code: 1002600016633
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală MORARI VALENTINA

Company code: 1003600118257
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală DIBIROV IULIA

Company code: 1007600022217
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală REABOI

Company code: 1004604000300
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of


Company code: 1005602000945
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of


Company code: 1005602002662
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată LUX PIATRĂ

Company code: 1011600023958
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată TELEGHIUM

Company code: 1011611000492
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinzător Individual PLATON ELENA

Company code: 1012606002936
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală BÎRNOVANU VALERIU

Company code: 1005602003599
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală LENCAUŢAN

Company code: 1005602003946
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată BIANCA PRIM

Company code: 1011600000416
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată OMFALIN-PRIM

Company code: 1003611005054
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală TÎLTU RODICA

Company code: 1005602004703
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea Comercială VELOMIR-NORD S.R.L.

Company code: 1005602005294
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală M.A.GODOVANIUC

Company code: 1004602002595
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală BRANIŞTI VIOLETA

Company code: 1008602003523
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinzător Individual SUVAC TAMARA

Company code: 1014607002339
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea Comercială CRISTILUX S.R.L.

Company code: 1008609000370
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală TIMUŢA GHENADIE

Company code: 1008609001300
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală ŞEVCIUC V.V.

Company code: 1003604000510
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea Comercială ASPECT-LUX S.R.L.

Company code: 1007602002426
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală I.A.POLICHIN

Company code: 1005602007634
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată GOSPODARU

Company code: 1017604003163
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată STANILAGRO

Company code: 1008602004405
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală BUCIUCEANU CONSTANTIN

Company code: 1005602008192
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată SINERGOS

Company code: 1008600028375
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală CALMAŢUI CRISTINA

Company code: 1004602007730
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată SCANTILETO

Company code: 1017600022562
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată VALGOR-COM

Company code: 1003604005342
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată DUMSER GRUP

Company code: 1008600035995
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală VERDIŞ ANJELA

Company code: 1008606000070
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală BUNDUCHI SVETLANA

Company code: 1005603003714
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată NEGARA ANGELA

Company code: 1006600037722
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată JECA-LUX

Company code: 1014604001722
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată LA OLGUŢA

Company code: 1008602007152
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală MUSTEAŢA IURII

Company code: 1004600065901
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală GRIŢAN EVGHENIA

Company code: 1008604001121
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată AFEDEN

Company code: 1008600048193
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată AGRO COMPLEX

Company code: 1011609001047
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea Comercială POSBRAT S.R.L.

Company code: 1005603007295
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată FLORENI-COM

Company code: 1008600059238
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea cu Capital Străin SAJED STAR Societate cu Răspundere Limitată

Company code: 1012600013297
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală VERANICA ĂCONOM

Company code: 1017603002837
  • Company status: Lichidated
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Întreprinderea Individuală CUIUJUCLU TATIANA

Company code: 1004611004571
  • Company status: Active
Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of


Company code: 239628
  • Company status: Active